Epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 in Havana, the pandemic epicenter in Cuba
coronavirus, epidemiology, health personnel.Abstract
Introduction: Havana has been declared the COVID-19 pandemic epicenter in Cuba, but its specific features are not known.
Objective: Examine the epidemiological characteristics of COVID-19 in Havana.
Methods: An observational descriptive epidemiological study was conducted of all the COVID-19 cases confirmed in Havana from 17 March to 30 June 2020. Data were obtained from the epidemiological study of each positive case. Statistical analysis was based on the statistical package R, version 4.0.1, whereas the free software QGIS 3.0 was used for spatial analysis.
Results: The epidemic peak was reached with 64 cases and institutional outbreaks 30 days after the start of the epidemic. Variability was found between the incidence values for the different municipalities, and a favorable transit was observed of the incidence of the disease and the number of recoveries and deaths as of 45 days of the pandemic. Clinical stages of the disease vary with age and the municipality of residence. Risk of death is proportional to age. Nurses and women are more vulnerable to contagion.
Conclusions: Maximum increase in the number of cases on a population level and institutional outbreaks are important elements in the dynamic of an epidemic. Incidence and mortality differ between municipalities. The clinical stages of the disease are influenced by age and comorbidities. The nursing personnel are at greater risk of becoming ill. A national contingency plan and the political will of the state are strengths in the successful combat against the pandemic. It is necessary to gain further insight into the epidemiology of the disease and the impact of the health strategies implemented.
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