Surveillance for adverse events to vaccination in Camagüey in 2018



vaccines, drug-related side effects and adverse reactions, vaccination.


Objective: To evaluate the surveillance for adverse events to vaccination in Camagüey in 2018.

Methods: Operational research in health services and systems, with an evaluative design, which covered from January 1 to December 31, 2018. The study population comprised 355 workers (149 family physicians, 161 family nurses, 16 nurse vaccinators, and 29 vaccination program managers). Information was obtained through observation, documentary review, and interviews. Different criteria, indicators, and standards were established for evaluating the structure, process and outcome components.

Results: The structure was evaluated as defined. The maximum score was obtained in 90.9% of the indicators related to coverage and training of human resources. Regarding material resources, only 81.2% of the vaccination centers had the necessary set of templates to carry out the work and control. The attributes of sensitivity, simplicity, flexibility, acceptability, comprehensiveness, timeliness, and self-response capacity were evaluated satisfactorily (70% or more of the proposed standard); sensitivity reached only 34.2%. A rate of 150 adverse events per 105 doses applied was obtained; severe events were not evidenced, and the results were considered useful.

Conclusions: The surveillance system for adverse events to vaccination in Camagüey met the standards established for the reliability of the vaccination program and decision-making: a well-defined structure, well-functioning processes, and very useful outcomes.


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Author Biographies

María del Carmen Mantecón Estrada, Unidad Municipal de Higiene y Epidemiología de Minas, Camagüey, Cuba.

Epidemiologa responsable de las enfermedades transmisibles de la unidad municipal de higiene de Minas, Camaguey

Belkys María Galindo Santana, IPK

Epidemióloga investigadora del departamento de vigilancia e investigaciones epidemiológicas del centro de investigación, diagnóstico y referencia del IPK

Alina Tejeda Fuentes, Centro Provincial de Higiene, Epidemiología y Microbiología, Camagüey

Epidemióloga responsable del programa de vacunación del departamento de epidemiología del Centro Provincial de Higiene, Epidemiología y Microbiología, Camagüey

Elba Cruz Rodríguez, IPK

Epidemióloga investigadora del departamento de vigilancia e investigaciones epidemiológicas del centro de investigación, diagnóstico y referencia del IPK


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How to Cite

Mantecón Estrada M del C, Galindo Santana BM, Tejeda Fuentes A, Cruz Rodríguez E, Concepción Díaz D. Surveillance for adverse events to vaccination in Camagüey in 2018. Rev. cuba. hig. epidemiol. [Internet]. 2023 May 16 [cited 2025 Feb. 7];60. Available from:




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