Prevalence and characteristics of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Havana (2017-2018)


  • Patricia Varona Pérez Instituto NAcional de Higiene Epidemiologia y Microbiologia INHEM
  • Solangel Valdés Díaz Hospital Benéfico Jurídico
  • Otilia María Terry Valle Hospital Benéfico Jurídico.
  • Odalys Valdés Armenteros Hospital Benéfico Jurídico.
  • Graciela de la C. Gallego Ariosa Hospital Benéfico Jurídico
  • Silvia Josefina Venero Fernández Instituto Nacional de Higiene, Epidemiología y Microbiología
  • Enrique Molina Esquivel Instituto Nacional de Higiene Epidemiología y Microbiología
  • Mercedes de la Paz de la Osa Hospital Benéfico Jurídico


chronic obstructive lung disease, prevalence, severity of illness index, risk.


Introduction: In Cuba, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is the sixth leading cause of death. There is insufficient knowledge concerning its scope.

Objective: To determine the prevalence and characteristics of the disease in Havana (2017-2018).

Methods: A multicenter, cross-sectional study coordinated by Iniciative Burden of Lung Disease. It included 349 non-hospitalized people aged 40 and over from four family doctor´s offices (random selection). A questionnaire with sociodemographic variables on previous medical diagnosis and smoking was applied. A spirometric study was conducted before and after salbutamol administration to determine airflow limitations, and the disease was classified as mild, moderate, severe, and very severe.

Results: Overall prevalence was 20.9% (95 % CI: 16.6-25.2); with males accounting for 25.3%; and females for 17.7%. It increased with age. Mild forms of the disease affected 60% of the population; they were more common in females (67%) than in males (severe forms, 22%). Previous spirometry was performed in 15% of respondents. Fourteen people (19.1%) had previously been diagnosed with pulmonary emphysema, chronic bronchitis, or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Smoking prevalence was 36%, with a higher percentage in the severe forms of the disease. One-third (31.7%) were exposed to second-hand tobacco smoke at home or at work, with a daily average exposure of 5 hours.

Conclusions: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a major health problem in Havana due to its high prevalence and underdiagnosis. An increase in prevalence is predicted given the demographic dynamics in the country and the high level of tobacco consumption among the population. Therefore, more comprehensive management of this preventable disease is required.



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Author Biographies

Patricia Varona Pérez, Instituto NAcional de Higiene Epidemiologia y Microbiologia INHEM

Medico, especialista de 1er y 2do. grados en Epidemiologia. Investigadora Auxiliar  y Profesora Auxiliar.

MsC. en Salud Ambiental

Dpto. Epidemiologia INHEM

Solangel Valdés Díaz, Hospital Benéfico Jurídico

Especialista de primer y segundo grados en Neumología. Profesora Auxiliar. Hospital Benéfico Jurídico

Otilia María Terry Valle, Hospital Benéfico Jurídico.

Especialista de primer grado de Medicina General Integral y en Neumología. Máster en Longevidad satisfactoria. Profesora Instructora. Hospital Benéfico Jurídico.

Odalys Valdés Armenteros, Hospital Benéfico Jurídico.

Especialista de primer grado Medicina General Integral. Especialista de primer grado en Neumología Máster Enfermedades Infecciosas

Graciela de la C. Gallego Ariosa, Hospital Benéfico Jurídico

Especialista de primer grado en Medicina Física y Rehabilitación. Máster en Enfermedades Infecciosas Hospital Benéfico Jurídico.

Silvia Josefina Venero Fernández, Instituto Nacional de Higiene, Epidemiología y Microbiología

Especialista de Medicina General Integral y en Higiene y Epidemiología. Profesor e Investigador Auxiliar

Enrique Molina Esquivel, Instituto Nacional de Higiene Epidemiología y Microbiología

Máster en Salud Ambiental Prof. e Investigador Auxiliar Instituto Nacional de Higiene Epidemiología y Microbiología

Mercedes de la Paz de la Osa, Hospital Benéfico Jurídico

Especialista de primer grado en Neumología. Profesora Asistente. Hospital Benéfico Jurídico


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How to Cite

Varona Pérez P, Valdés Díaz S, Terry Valle OM, Valdés Armenteros O, Gallego Ariosa G de la C, Venero Fernández SJ, et al. Prevalence and characteristics of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in Havana (2017-2018). Rev. cuba. hig. epidemiol. [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 18 [cited 2025 Jan. 11];59. Available from:




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