Concurrent and prospective acceptability of pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis to HIV in Cuba
pre-exposure prophylaxis, post-exposure prophylaxis, HIV, Patient acceptance of health care, CubaAbstract
Introduction: HIV pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis is considered one of the most important scientific advances in the response to the HIV epidemic and the only intervention that allows risk reduction after exposure.
Objective: To describe the acceptability of HIV pre- and post-exposure prophylaxis in providers and beneficiaries of services and the main difficulties that hinder its implementation in Cuba.
Methods: A study was conducted between November 20 and December 20, 2021, in selected municipalities of Matanzas and Havana. Structured questionnaires were applied to 162 potential users, 44 actual users and 52 key actors with different roles in the National HIV Program. The results were presented using frequency, central tendency, and dispersion measures.
Results. In areas of experimental implementation, acceptability and perceived effectiveness reached intervals between 1 and 2 on the Likert scale, with a position index of 0.18 for both cases. Overall acceptability calculated from all dimensions showed a similar trend (PI= 0.25). In Havana, acceptability and perceived effectiveness were positioned at 1 on the Likert scale. The general acceptability of all the dimensions studied was reported in a similar way (PI=0.26).
Conclusions: It was found that, both in the areas of experimental implementation and in Havana, the acceptability of the services is high, although improvement actions are needed to increase the demand among potential users.
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