Aedes aegypti; programas vectoriales; COVID-19; vigilancia.
Aedes aegypti, vector control programs, COVID-19, surveillance.Abstract
Introduction: The entomological surveillance programs of Aedes aegypti in the world have among their objectives to determine changes in the geographical distribution of the mosquito and to obtain relative measurements of their populations over time.
Objective: To evaluate the impact of COVID-19 intervention measures on Aedes aegypti surveillance and control programs.
Methods: Original and review articles published in English and Spanish on the topic between 2010 and 2022 were examined.
Analysis and synthesis of information: The entomological indicators provided by surveillance were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic due to interruptions in the implementation of vector control activities in the field, such as visits to homes, application of control types, reduction in the number of human resources, limitation or denial of community participation, in some cases, by the population at the entrance of the operator in their homes. An analysis of the impact of the measures implemented against COVID-19 that favored the increase in dengue cases is presented.
Conclusions: In the current scenario, the focus should be on ensuring that the fight against Aedes aegypti and dengue continues to be considered essential services, and that the planned actions are maintained, although it is necessary to apply hybrid measures between vector activities and those related to the control of COVID-19, adapting or decentralizing them as appropriate to each context.
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