Response and adherence to antiretroviral treatment in people over 50 years of age living with HIV/AIDS
HIV, acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, highly active antiretroviral therapy, compliance and adherence to treatment, people over 50 years of age.Abstract
Introduction: In 1981, when the first cases of HIV/AIDS were reported, humanity did not suspect that it was facing a global health and social problem.
Objective: To correlate the response to antiretroviral treatment to adherence and to sociodemographic, clinical and laboratory variables in people over 50 years of age living with HIV/AIDS.
Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted between January-March 2022. The study included 254 patients living with HIV/AIDS, over 50 years of age, treated as outpatients or hospitalized at the Hospital Center of the Institute of Tropical Medicine “Pedro Kourí”.
Results: Patients were predominantly white (63.0%), male (83.9%), single (92.9%), and men who have sex with men (72.0%). The prevailing educational level of the patients in the study was high school (49.6%). Fifty-seven percent of the patients were adherent to antiretroviral treatment. Of them, 85.5% had a positive response to treatment compared to only 3.7% of the non-adherent patients.
Conclusions: There is an association between adherence, therapeutic response and viral load in people aged 50 years and older living with HIV/AIDS. It is corroborated that non-adherence to treatment and high viral load are associated with the appearance of opportunistic diseases.
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