Humanized care from nursing staff during their performance in hospitalized patients with tuberculosis



tuberculosis, performance, humanization, nursing staff, Cuba.


Introduction: Humanized care is an essential component in and provides quality to health care.

Objective: To explore the perception of nursing staff on humanized care provided to hospitalized patients with tuberculosis. 

Methods: A descriptive exploratory study, using a Likert scale in an exhaustive sample of nursing personnel, 13 in total, who attend hospitalized patients at the University Pneumology Hospital Benéfico Jurídico in Havana. Data were obtained from a validated questionnaire containing seven statements, the first five on gaps in treatment success and the last two on gaps in the humanization of performance, assessed by a position index of the answers: strongly agree, agree, have no idea, disagree, and strongly disagree.

Results: From the first to the fifth statement: in the first and third statements, the majority agreed that there are gaps in treatment success (position index=0.577 and 0.654, respectively). The majority disagreed (0.192 and 0.115, respectively) in the second and fourth statements. Answers about the fifth statement ranged between agree and strongly agree (0.500). In the last two statements on the gaps in humanized care in nursing performance, the majority (0.269) strongly disagreed with the sixth statement; while in the seventh, the majority was between agree and strongly agree (0.500).

Conclusions: The majority´s perceptions reveal no gaps in the humanization of nursing staff performance in patients with tuberculosis.



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Author Biographies

Elisabeth Francisco Juliao da Rocha, Hospital Militar Principal de Luanda

Lic en enfermeria,MSc en Epidemiologia

Rita María Ferrán Torres, Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí

Departarmento de Epidemiología. Grupo de Tuberculosis


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How to Cite

Juliao da Rocha EF, Ferrán Torres RM. Humanized care from nursing staff during their performance in hospitalized patients with tuberculosis. Rev. cuba. hig. epidemiol. [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Jan. 10];60. Available from:

