Characterization of COVID-19 patients at the specialized outpatient center in Cienfuegos
coronavirus, pandemic, COVID-19, secondary health care.Abstract
Introduction: COVID-19, caused by the novel coronavirus identified in the Chinese city of Wuhan at the end of 2019, has become a public health emergency.
Objective: To characterize clinical and demographically COVID-19 patients hospitalized in the specialized outpatient center.
Methods: Observational, descriptive study of 357 patients with confirmed COVID-19 hospitalized in the specialized outpatient center in Cienfuegos from January to March 2021. Data were collected from the center´s database. The variables under analysis were: age, sex, national origin, status on admission, stay, admissions and discharges.
Results: Females prevailed (n=180). The mean age was 44.0±21.37, 15.7% were 19 years old or younger. Cienfuegos (53.6%) was the most affected of the eight municipalities. Urban areas accounted for 56% of the cases. More than half of the patients (58.9%) had a hospital stay of less than five days. The mean age of deceased patients was 67.64±16.63 with a length of stay of 11.79 ± 2.94 days.
Conclusions: The disease is more frequent in females and in ages between 51 and 60, in urban areas and with a low length of stay of the cases.
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