Clinical and immunological characteristics of patients with clinical debut-AIDS in Santiago de Cuba
clinical debut/AIDS, clinic, immunology.Abstract
Introduction: The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) induces a chronic and progressive process with an enormous spectrum of manifestations and complications.
Objective: Characterize the population of patients with clinical debut/AIDS, according to clinical and immunological variables.
Methods: descriptive study in patients with a clinical debut diagnosis/AIDS, in the period from 2017 to 2021, in the province of Santiago de Cuba.
Results: 43.6 % of the patients were hypertensive, sexually transmitted diseases occurred in 68.4 % of the cases. Pneumonia was the most common opportunistic disease (55.5 %). The mean CD4 and viral load found in the 48 patients for whom data could be obtained were 149.2 and 58615.1 respectively. The combination of Truvada/Dolutegravir was the most used antiretroviral treatment in the present series (37.9 %).
Conclusions: Sexually transmitted infections and pneumonia were the most prevalent infections and diseases. The CD4 lymphocyte count and high viral load in most patients explain the mortality and rapid evolution of the disease in the study population. Secondary prevention actions in relation to treatment schemes are similar to those proposed in the National Program for the Prevention and Control of STIs/HIV/ and Hepatitis.
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