Cluster analysis using Euclidean distance on CD4 T cell behavior
HIV, T cd4 lymphocytes, unsupervisedAbstract
Introduction: Infection with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and its evolution over four decades (chronic) has led doctors to study the behavior of TCD4 lymphocytes with the help of branches such as statistics and mathematics.
Objective: To describe the behavior of the CD4 T lymphocyte count over time through unsupervised learning.
Methods: Retrospective cohort type study, a search for continuous CD4 T lymphocyte quantifications throughout the established study period (2018-2022) was performed in the electronic file, in the present investigation there was no contact with the patients.
Results: There is an increase in the average numerical values of CD4 T lymphocytes throughout the study and it begins to stabilize between the groups towards a count of over 500 lymphocytes, which reflects a good immune status over time.
Conclusion: We identified stability in temporal tracking, which may contribute to a memory pattern, so we suggest an extensive fractal analysis.
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