Evaluation of the national program for the prevention of suicidal behavior in the Güines municipality, Mayabeque



evaluación, intento, suicidio, Mayabeque, Cuba


Introduction: Suicide is a health problem. Every year, more than 703,000 people take their own lives. In 2019, more than 97,000 people died by suicide in the Americas. In Cuba, it is the tenth leading cause of death.
Objective: Evaluate compliance with the national suicidal behavior prevention program in the municipality of Güines between 2020-2021.
Method: Research in health systems and services. Universe made up of 199 cases of attempted suicide through mandatory declaration cards and 17 cases of suicide from existing mortality records in the mortality database of the Directorate of Medical and Statistical Records of the municipal administration. Criteria were established, indicators and standards for the evaluation of the dimension of structure, process and result. It was considered acceptable if the standard obtained was the same or higher, and not acceptable if it was lower. The gross, specific rates per 100,000 inhabitants, percentages, and the suicide attempt/ratio were calculated.
Results: The three dimensions were evaluated as unacceptable due to a deficit of doctors (75 %), child and adolescent psychiatrists (66 %), no training (40 %). The inadequate construction state due to deficiency in: lighting, ventilation, water supply, no sinks. Insufficiency in dispensing (26 %) and follow-up of cases (41 %). The suicide rate of the municipality was 25.49 x 100,000 inhabitants, higher than the province and the country.
Conclusions: The final evaluation of the program was not acceptable with insufficiencies in the structure and process, which could have had a negative impact on the results obtained.


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Author Biography

Lisandra Estanquero Ortega, Instituto Nacional de Higiene, Epidemiologia y microbiología

Jefa de departamento Municipal de Guines Higiene y Epidemiologia.(2019-2020). Residente de 3er Año de Higiene y Epidemiologia del Instituto Nacional de Higiene.


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How to Cite

Ortega LE, Corona Miranda B, Prado Rodríguez R. Evaluation of the national program for the prevention of suicidal behavior in the Güines municipality, Mayabeque. Rev. cuba. hig. epidemiol. [Internet]. 2024 Aug. 15 [cited 2025 Jan. 21];61. Available from: https://revepidemiologia.sld.cu/index.php/hie/article/view/1469




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