Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients admitted for COVID-19 in Mexico (April-June 2020)
severe acute respiratory syndrome, viral pneumonia, coronavirus infections, pandemics.Abstract
Introduction: Mexico reported the first three COVID-19 cases in February 2020. The epidemic phase was declared in April, and in that same month a Cuba-Mexico medical cooperation agreement was implemented which included technical counseling, training and scientific research. The present study was conducted in the framework of that bilateral agreement.
Objective: Describe the clinical and epidemiological characteristics of patients admitted for COVID-19 at Enrique Cabrera Hospital in Mexico City.
Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional comparative study was conducted of 1 033 patients admitted to the aforementioned hospital from April to June 2020. An analysis was performed of general case behavior indicators and their clinical evolution. Indicators were compared before and after the medical cooperation program.
Results: Male sex was the most affected. Of the patients studied, 69.5% were in working ages. Positivity was high. The prevailing symptoms were fever, coughing, dyspnea and headache. Invasive ventilation was the mode with the highest lethality. The clinical records did not contain sufficient evidence of the ventilation criteria applied. The number of fatal cases increased in patients who sought medical assistance with more than eight days' evolution.
Conclusions: The study presents one of the first experiences in the diagnosis and treatment of adult COVID-19 patients in a Mexican hospital. During the period of activity of the Cuban Henry Reeve medical brigade, survival increased and hospital lethality decreased.
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