One year of COVID-19 epidemic: Cuba and Uruguay in the Latin- American context


  • Luis Carlos Silva Aycaguer Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública
  • Jacqueline Ponzo Gómez Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República, Uruguay


COVID-19, Latin America, Uruguay, Cuba, infodemic.


Introduction: One year after the WHO declared the spread of SARS-COV-2 as a pandemic, we consider it useful to approach a diagnosis of the prevailing situation in the Latin American region. 

Objectives: To examine the prevailing epidemiological scenario in mid-March 2021 in 16 countries of the region, as well as performance over time in the two countries with best outcomes.

Methods: Using morbidity and mortality data, we made a comparison of the relative performance of the countries considered and the two nations with the best results were identified. To quantitatively analyze the course followed by the epidemic process in these nations from the outbreak of COVID-19 until the moment of the analysis, 5 indicators were used: prevalence rate of active cases per million inhabitants, cumulative incidence rate in 7 days per 100.000 inhabitants, positivity rate in 7 days, percentage of recovered patients and crude mortality rate per million inhabitants. 

Results The top position of Cuba was shown, followed by Uruguay, according to the performance indicators considered. Although the figures remain within acceptable margins, the setback that both nations have experienced in the first weeks of 2021 was revealed, especially marked in Uruguay.

Conclusions: Any characterization of the situation is condemned to be transitory due to the mutant nature of the epidemic. However, the examination of twelve complete months allowed to identify that the favorable socio-demographic characteristics of both nations, as well as those of their health systems, provide possible explanations for the results obtained.


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Author Biographies

Luis Carlos Silva Aycaguer, Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública

Investigador y profesor Titular Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública de Cuba

Jacqueline Ponzo Gómez, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República, Uruguay

Profesora Agregada Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria

Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de la República, Uruguay


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How to Cite

Silva Aycaguer LC, Ponzo Gómez J. One year of COVID-19 epidemic: Cuba and Uruguay in the Latin- American context. Rev. cuba. hig. epidemiol. [Internet]. 2021 Feb. 27 [cited 2025 Jan. 30];58. Available from:

